Aches and Praise Two Hundred & Forty

Dear friends,

It has been a wonderful day and it’s not over yet. Many family members and friends have expressed their birthday wishes and I received a phone call from two people in our radio follow-up office that I have known for a number of years. Both have completed many of the Bible courses that we have in French and both face physical challenges. Their calls reminded me of the importance of being available to listen to others and to be an instrument of God’s love.

On Sunday, Richie Pendred asked our daughter, Candace, to marry him (she said “Yes!”). They met at Parkside Ranch, where they were counselors, and have had a long-distance relationship for more than five years. We are thrilled for both of them! It was great that Richie’s parents were able to be here for this special occasion. Rich and Val are like a brother and sister to Karen and me and we enjoy being with them, especially at Thanksgiving (after which we go bargain-hunting on Black Friday).

On a sad note, we learned that John (Jack) Bauer, a former principal of Emmanuel Christian School, died last Friday. He taught Mathematics for many years before serving as principal at Emmanuel. Mr. Bauer was well-respected and had a great love for students, inspiring many of them to excel academically and to study God’s Word at home and at school.

Earlier this week, I spoke with Pastor Pierre, whose eldest son, Philippe, was killed in December. I shared this sad news in an earlier post and ask for your continued prayers for the family as they grieve the loss of this young man.

Scripture for the weekend: “and hope does not disappoint, because the love of God has been poured out within our hearts through the Holy Spirit who was given to us.” Romans 5:5 (NASB)   
Thought for the weekend: “Christianity’s proclamation of exclusivity, one Savior for all people, is also its proclamation of inclusivity: one Savior for all people.” – Austin Gentry –
In His grace,

