Aches and Praise Two Hundred & Forty Six

Dear friends,


On Tuesday night the season finale of “Dancing with the Stars” ended in spectacular fashion as Peta Murgatroyd and Nyle DiMarco, an award-winning model, captured the Mirror ball trophy. Not only did Nyle demonstrate amazing skill as a dancer, but he did so without being able to hear the music. His outstanding determination and Peta’s expertise made a winning combination that brought tears to the eyes of the judges and many viewers.

Watching people like Nyle overcome challenges reminds me that life is filled with tremendous lessons. While re-modeling the bathroom at home this week, Karen and I were surprised to find that the pieces of molding that we had cut to frame a mirror did not fit properly. There was a gap of several centimetres. After a while, we realized that we had miscalculated in our measurements because we thought that one of the pieces was wider than it was. When I went to the store to buy another piece of molding, I explained what happened and said, “We learn by our mistakes.”

It is interesting that Jesus worked with His hands as He grew up. There is a wonderful sense of satisfaction that comes with making something and the Son of God shared our humanity and the joy of accomplishment in building things. The Lord Jesus fulfilled the prophetic Scriptures as He brought healing to the lame and life to the lost, ultimately giving His life as an atoning sacrifice for our sins.

Thank you for your faithful prayers for the Quebec radio ministry. Pastor Michel Martel is currently preaching a series of messages entitled “Échec à l’amertume” (“Overcoming Bitterness”). How we must be careful to not become bitter when we are slighted or hurt by others’ unkind words and actions. By looking to Jesus, we will experience His joy and contentment.

Scripture for the weekend: “These things I have spoken to you, that My joy may be in you, and that your joy may be made full.” John 15:11 (NASB)   

Thought for the weekend: “G. K. Chesterton was once asked by a reporter what he would say if Jesus were standing beside him. ‘He is,’ Chesterton replied with calm assurance.” – from the book “Seeing God” by David Roper


By His grace,


