Aches and Praise Four Hundred & Twenty Six

November 6, 2019
Dear friends,   

There was a report on Monday that a recent poll revealed that the majority of French-speaking people in Quebec do not believe that English-speaking people were a founding people of this province. To see more, please visit: It appears that one’s view of history is influenced by one’s background. This report comes in the wake of the provincial government passing legislation that forbids the wearing of religious symbols by public servants and the removal of the crucifix in the National Assembly. For more on this, please visit:

As Quebec Premier François Legault pointed out earlier this year, the cross is on the Quebec flag. The cross has been a focal point of much debate for many years. Some believe that Jesus was not crucified. For more about this, please visit:

In his book “Adventuring Through the Bible,” the late Ray Stedman tells the following story: “An elderly English socialite, the widow of the late ambassador to France, attended the one-hundredth birthday party of philanthropist Robert Mayer of the Festival Hall in London. During the reception, the socialite (who was afflicted with failing eyesight) chatted with another woman for several minutes before she suddenly realized she was talking to Queen Elizabeth II. Realizing her gaffe, the woman blushed, curtsied, and stammered, ‘Ma’am, oh, ma’am, I’m sorry! I didn’t recognize you without your crown!’ The queen smiled sweetly: ‘This is Sir Robert’s evening,’ she said, ‘so I decided to leave it behind.’”

Stedman says this about the One who was with God in the beginning, and who truly is God: “… because Jesus came to earth without His crown, the people of this world didn’t recognize Him.” If you don’t know why Jesus left heaven to come to Earth, I urge you to read the Bible and ask God to reveal Himself through its pages.

Scripture for the weekend: “For even the Son of Man did not come to be served, but to serve, and to give His life a ransom for many.” Mark 10:45 (NKJV)

Thought for the weekend: “There’s nothing that confers more significance on a human life than service to God’s cause – and nothing that denotes a wasted life more than God’s assessment, ‘You have robbed Me.’” – Ray Stedman (from his book “Adventuring Through the Bible”)

By His grace,
